Saturday, October 14, 2006


(This written originally, years ago, seated by the river - i think...)

God is like the sun
always there, always shining, never going for long, always faithful, coming back, day after day (after day)

The world is so busy, running around, we never stay still, if we do, it's not long -- it's not near long enough.
We move, we work, we shower, and exercise, we have sex, seldom make love, have kids, cars, mortgages, have cancers and ulcers,
and we expect mankind to cure all our ills, when, we caused it all in the first place.
We are slaves and victims of our own torture. Best times are spent alone in the sun, letting it beat down on you, looking across fields to only see country , rolling hills, vastness -- only crumbles in the paved streets and cement tombs we live in.
Laying, crumbled in a heap, sweaty, stinky, fat, slobby, worrying about work, and money and clothes -- contemplating which mask to wear next....

But the sun, always there. Shining, allowing us to shed our clothes to bathe in it's purity, allowing it to penetrate, us. (and maybe, make us see.... who we are really meant to be)

1 comment:

kanadians in korea said...

i like it :) beautiful analogy of the 'son'. love you!