remember the sea
remember there's a world
so much bigger than me
remember that life's not on the surface
remember how to keep my spirit/soul intact
Today I want to reach out and touch the sun
remember this adventure
remember how it begun
with only a dream
one glimmer of hope
and now the worlds
just dangling by a frayed corded rope
And as the sea shines
in this heart of mine
lighter than the sky
I wish I could jump off the rocks and fly
A shimmering waste land
this city holds
thousands of heart beats
and mine joins the drones
of broken and strugging
help me have peace inside
this mire that doesn't make sense.

God, don't leave us here
in this asbestic shell of fear
Heads pounding
Hearts aching
until we look out to the sea
and remember
the world is so much bigger
this is amazing poetry, and a beautiful prayer. how are you doing sister? it sounds like your heart is 'crashing against the shores' of hope, so to speak. please share! love you. em.
Hi Ammee,
You don't know me but I'm a friend of Emilys. I wanted to view your blog as you seem like a neat person(I hope you don't mind). She has told me how cool you are and how you and your husband have had the courage to follow your dream of being musicians. Coudos to you! I think your poetry and thoughts are great! I know you make good music. I hope to hear it on the radio someday.
take care,
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