Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life has been very interesting in the last little while. This blog now sort of serves like my diary, since prob. not alot, if anyone, really reads it!!

So, yah, busy life, work is pretty nuts for me right now, in the middle of two contracts that are big, and trying to pull the paper together is always challenging...I was asked recently to be in a leadership position with my church, which, I'm beginning to realize, really carries with it a tone of responsibility. I now own a part of the responsibility of this little church, San Diego Church. It's a neat and really scary place to be in, but I am excited none the less...I am a slight bit worried too.

I mean, that I'm going to have to interact with people who are just people, and even though we all call Jesus, Lord, we are all just people and we'll say stuff and do stuff that may offend some, unintentionally, or otherwise. All these thoughts stem from a conversation I had with Evan tonight. And it's just drawn me to really really think about things, and even more so, my relationship with God.

I don't know, I'm kind of rambling, and I think my toilet is running so I should check that. At any rate, thoughts to ponder.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

good thoughts to ponder... leadership is always a mix of great joy and frustration with people. (at least to me...)

How's it going with that?