Sunday, February 04, 2007

Night this time

Big cement hole
so many pretty things
filled with all the colors
this money can bring

it's all gonna burn
one day
up in flames
these fireworks

He sees it all from above
a secret satelite
revolving a million miles per second
He still loves

Still loves the man
in the Big cement hole
for a 'home'
4 cars in the garage

just wants him to look up
from the pool, sundeck and fire
see the stars through the night
see the demons and liars

What things really are
dust, wildflowers and wind
we'll be gone soon enough
my friend

though now we see the night
to me, the stars seem extra bright
and all this 'stuff'
I'll manage what I can

and pray I get to the otherside
still alive.

1 comment:

J Man said...

God created the cement, cars, pool, etc. His desire is that our "joy be made complete".

Granted, He doesn't want us creating gods out of these; but, even the big city is part of His Grande Design.

May He bless you to see Him in everything. :)