Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I want to do something
that means something
in my life
with every ounce of me
everything I fight to be
the stuff I hate in the mirrior
that I look and see

I want to do something
that means something
in someone elses' life
give them the chance to fight
show them what I hold
to be right

am I selfish
in secure
am I chasing a dream
that has no meaning
just dust
in my mind
fragments of time

In my selfish hole
I refuse to give up
I don't think thats my job
just yet
and I can't forget
what's been commissioned to me
even though
I don't even know
exactly what It is.

I want the blinders off my eyes
I need to know
if what I'm doing is right
if I should bother even to fight

but I suppose if I did
the spirit would be ruined
so instead I struggle on
wishing I could write
this new song
and others would hear
and sing along

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